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Light designs the environment, defines it, and gives it personality. Light fittings are indispensable accessories that complement and draw attention to your furnishings: using the right lighting will create pleasant and intense atmospheres that enhance the living space, enriching it with precious design objects that will make it feel even more alive.


Do you need a personalised project for your home?
Our interior designers can develop a precise project for the environment that you'd like to furnish. We just need a few details to create a realistic drawing of the environment, complete with measurements. You will be able to follow the progression of the project from the initial consultation to the final delivery, and we will remain available to you for any information or clarification.


We are a team of designers and architects, skilled in interior design and logistics, who work closely together to ensure professionalism and to guarantee high quality products. We will follow every step of your project, from the initial concept right up to its delivery.


Our store in Florence, Italy is entirely dedicated to home furnishings, from kitchens to accessories. We are an official retailer of some of the most important and internationally known designer brands, and we provide a bespoke interior design service for personal home projects to help you realise your vision.
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