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The Scrigno hinged door closet by Sangiacomo is a high-quality, elegant and fine product. Its Brown metal frame with smoked clear glass lends a touch of charm to the wardrobe, particularly highlighted by the interior lighting system. The Dark Elm finish with the glass fronts of the drawers, pull-out trays and sweater rack enhance the finest objects and accessories. The interior of the wardrobe has attention to every detail, with drawers equipped with wood or glass fronts, a front-mounted drawer tray and a sweater rack element with handcrafted open compartments. If you want a sophisticated and functional wardrobe, the Scrigno hinged door from Sangiacomo is the right choice for you.


Design your custom cabinet : sizes, finishes and colors.
You can also choose the interior equipment according to your needs.

Contact us to custom design and make a quotation for your Scrigno door closet.

Additional informations

5/6 Weeks
Sangiacomo’s journey began in 1968, in a continuous growth and innovation to the present day. Quality, precious materials, continuous research and customization characterize Sangiacomo and make it unique. It offers complete and customized solutions for any home environment. From the living area to the sleeping area, it offers a wide choice of materials, sizes and accessories, always with an excellent value for money.


Our store in Florence is entirely dedicated to provide high quality furniture for your home, from kitchens to accessories. We are interior designers and retailers of some of the most international top brands.

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