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Bedroom Doris

A dynamic composition composed by a loft bed with suspended wardrobe and two bookcases, a bed with wheels and headboard, a bedside table and a practical writing desk with chair. Doris is entirely Made in Italy, which means that it is an high quality product that guarantees durability and safety. This bedroom is practical but also beautiful and created with attention to the details. This bedroom is also available in different measures and in different colors that can be seen in the photogallery.
In this composition:

1 loft bed W 200 D 89 H 180 (mattress incl. and bed base incl.)
1 bed with wheels W 198 D 88 (mattress and bed base included)
1 writing desk with chair H 77
1 suspended wardrobe W 90 H 128 (from the floor 260 cm)
2 bookcases (bed structure)
1 shelf
1 bedside table



Right away, for you, a further 5% reduction in phase of registration!


Model X

Room dimensions
L 380   P 350   H 270


WE DESIGN FOR YOU Every alteration is possible! Colors, dimensions and composition won't be a problem: let us know your needs, send us the measures or even a sketch and our team will be at your complete disposal to design with you and for you the most suitable composition for your home. Do not hesitate to contact us!

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Our store in Florence is entirely dedicated to provide high quality furniture for your home, from kitchens to accessories. We are interior designers and retailers of some of the most international top brands.

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